Scientific Name
Distoechodon tumirostris  
Distoechodon tumirostris圓吻鯝
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Peters, 1881 Depth 10 - 20M
Chinese 圓吻鯝 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 鯉科 Economic Fish No 
Family F102 Cyprinidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 圓吻鯝 
Max Length 35 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 更魚、憨魚、甘仔魚、鯃魚、阿嬤魚 
Distribution in World China、Taiwan   Distribution in Taiwan North 
Habitats Fresh water  Holotype Locality Ningpo [now Ningbo], China 
Synonyms Xenocypris compressus, Xenocypris tumirostris, Xenocypris tumirostris multispinnis   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);臺灣淡水及河口魚類誌(陳&方, 1999);臺灣淡水魚類-壹 鯉形目(陳&張, 2005)  沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 陳義雄,方力行 1999 陳義雄, 張詠青, 邵廣昭 2005 
Specimen List ASIZP0058454. ASIZP0060267. ASIZP0060329. ASIZP0061735. ASIZP0072575. ASIZP0072576. ASIZP0072577. ASIZP0074968. ASIZP0805258. ASIZP0805259. ASIZP0805260. ASIZP0806515. ASIZP0900051. ASIZP0915258. ASIZP0915259. ASIZP0915260. ASIZP0916515. FRIP01354. NMNSF00749. NMNSF01318. NTMP0571. NTOUP200802-191.  
Barcode2011-10-03,張家豪,CO1,83% 2011-10-03,張家豪,CO1,100% 2011-10-03,張家豪,CO1,100%
Common Name Round-snout nose;Round snout 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     VU 2012 Redlist of Fresh Water Fishes::VU
Characteristic Head small, laterally compressed. Snout blunt. Eye small, snout length longer than eye diameter. Mouth inferior, well developed horny sheath on anterior margin of chin. Barbels absent. Body compressed, body depth high; dorsal and ventral profile slightly arched; caudal peduncle slender. Scales cycloid, small; lateral line complete. L.l.:69-84; dorsal fin rays:3+7; pectoral fin rays:1+15-16; pelvic fin rays:1+8; anal fin rays:3+9-10. Dorsal fin origin above pelvic fin origin, at midline between snout tip and caudal peduncle end; pectoral fin end close to pelvic fin origin; pelvic fin at lower side of body; caudal fin forked. Olive grayish dorsally, side and belly silvery white. Dorsal fin and caudal fin grayish, paired fin base canary yellow.
habitats Primary freshwater fish, prefers deep pools with slow running water, can be found in lakes and backwaters of rivers, demersal, form schools. Herbivorous, feeds on diatom. 
Distribution Distributed to eastern China and northern Taiwan. 
Utility Non. Endangered.